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Wedding Empire
Unique Hearts on Color Design - (3.5X5)
Only $2.99 / each

Please select either one of our Most Popular Color Designs
choose your Custom Color
Option A:
1. Choose one of our most popular colors

Plum blue burgundy
C1 C2 C3
coral dark green dark-blue
C4 C5 C6
golden green hot-pink
C7 C8 C9
light blue orange pail-green
C10 C11 C12
pink purple red
C13 C14 C15
sea silver silver-light
C16 C17 C18
Most Popular Color Design:
2. Special Instructions
If you have special instructions, you will be able to enter them into the Special Instructions field (max 30 chaarcters) once you add the item to cart, hit and login to
If you need to give additional instructions with your order - please, email us
$2.99 / each
If you did not find your favorite color among our most populal colors please choose your custom color from the color pallet and place your order below.
Option B:
1. Pick your custom color from the pallet

Custom Color:
2. Special Instructions
If you have special instructions, you will be able to enter them into the Special Instructions field (max 30 chaarcters) once you add the item to cart, hit and login to
If you need to give additional instructions with your order - please, email us
$2.99 / each

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